Analysis of formaline in chicken using UV-visible spectrophotometry.

mauliddya nuryatin, Diar Herawati, Rusnadi Rusnadi


Formiline is firstly used as a human corpse preservative and then shifted to be food preservative. Misapplication of formaline can be found in indurable foods such as moist noodle, meatball, fresh fish, and tofu. This research is aimed to analyze qualitatively and quantitatively formaline contents in chicken, and identify them using UV-Visible spectrophotometry method. The verification result of analysis method does not satisfy the conditions of accuration and precision. The linierity resullt obtain correlation score of 0,992 and Vxo score of 22,97%. The results of accuration and precision are percentage score of retrieval from each concentration; and it is 4 ppm and percentage mean of retrieval is -2,358 %, on 6 ppm is -0,437 %, on 7 ppm is -0,876 %. In the precision result on 4 ppm, it is obtained RSD score as -8,58 %, -32,69 % on 6 ppm, -43,06 % on 7 ppm. Detection limit result and quantity limit are  3,24 ppm and 10,81 ppm. This qualitative analysis cannot be stated because accuration result of precision is ineligible.


Formaline, chicken, UV-Visible spectrophotometer.


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