Comparison Of Tablet Glimepiride Dissolution Profile Stocks Of Raw Materials For Modified Polymorph

Grece Marliza, Fitriyanti Darusman, G.C Eka Darma


GMP is an oral anti diabetes medicine which included the third generation of sulfonilurea . GMP classified as class II Bio-pharmaceutical Classification System
which has low solubility and high permeability. Based on these, there should be effort to increase the solubility and dissolution rate. Poly-morph modification is
one of methods to modify physicochemical properties, especially solubility and
dissolution, by changing the shape or crystal system of drug molecules from stable form into metastable because of the effect of temperature and pressure. This research compares the profile of the tablet dosage GMP raw materials (RM with GMP modified poly-morph (MP) in order to see a real difference, especially on the dissolution profile. The formulation of the tablet by the method of direct felts made in the two formulas: GMP formula raw materials (RM) and formula tablet GMP modification poly-morphs (MP). Ingredients GMP modification poly-morphs using the results of the previous research (Alfajri, 2015). The test is conducted an evaluation of the mass of the felts (the flow properties, density and moisture content) and evaluation of tablet (organoleptik, uniformity of weight, uniformity size, friksibility and friability, tablet hardness,
disintegration time and dissolution test). The results of the research on the formulation and evaluation of the tablet GMP RM and GMP MP show that modification the poly-morphs on GMP is the best method to improve GMP's solubility and dissolution. Poly-morphs modification method increases dissolution percentage in
the 60th minutes of the GMP from 56,36% to 98,90%.


Glimepiride (GMP), direct felts, dissolution


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