The Effect Of Ethanol Extract Of Leaves Of Soursop leaves (Annona Muricata L.) As An Antidepressant on Male Mice Of Swiss Webster

Silvia Praja, Umi Yuniarni, Sri Peni Fitrianingsih


Soursop leaves have been traditionally used by many people in treating various diseases such as kidney problem, hypertension, anticonvulsants, anxiety, sedative and others. This research aims is to assess effect of ethanol extract of soursop leaves (Annona muricata L.) as an antidepressant on male mice of swiss webster. The antidepressant testing method used is Forced Swimming Test (FST). The test animal are divided into several groups, control group is given CMC Na 0,5%, comparison group is given amitriptyline 3,2 mg/kg bb, EEDS test group dose 1 125 mg/kg bb, EEDS test group dose 2 250 mg/kg bb, and EEDS test group dose 3 500 mg/kg bb. Induction of depression performed using FST to give effect of acute depression. Antidepressants analysis is observed from number of imobility time. The result shows that there significant differences (p<0,05) between control group, and other 4 groups. Effective dose of antidepressant effect is a dose of 250 mg/kg.


Antidepressant, Forced Swimming Test, Leaves of Soursop (Annona muricata L.), Acute depression


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