The Effect of Catfish Oil (Clarias Gariepinus) to Memory of Mice Male Galur Swiss Webster Using Maze Y

Ida Fitriyani, Fetri Lestari, Siti Hazar


The effect of catfish oil (Clarias gariepinus) as a memory enhancer has been tested. In this study conducted on 3 groups of male mice galur swiss webster, each consists of 6 animals. The control group is given CMC-Na suspension, group 1 is given dumbo catfish oil with dose of 2.6 mg / 20 g body weight of mice, group 2 is given dumbo catfish oil with dose of 5.2 mg/ 20 g body weight of. The observed parameter is the time required by mice to find food in the maze Y. The results show that Dumbo catfish fish oil dose of 2.6 mg / 20 g body weight and a dose of 5.2 mg / 20 g body weight has an effect in improving memory in male mice
galur Swiss Webster with significant differences (P <0.05) than the control group based on the parameters of time animals needed to obtain food at one end of the maze Y. Dumbo catfish puree has given effect but not significant (p> 0.05) compared with the control group.


Dumbo catfish (Clarias gariepinus), Fish Oil, Memory


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