Analysis of Zinc degree and determination of total plate numeral of microbe on Pure milk in veterinarian area of Arjasari Bandung Regency

Andri Riswanto, Diar Herawati, Syarif Hidayat


Pure milk is obtained from proper way of dairy, without reducing or adding certain component or other substance into the milk. One product of processed milk is pure cow milk consumed by societies, compound substance in pure milk is alloy logam , bacteria or microbe, and so forth. The objective of this study is to determine the degree of zinc and microbe in the milk of dairy cattle in Arjasari, Bandung Regency by using absorbtion Spectrophotometry of Atom method and numeral of total plate. 1 ml of added by nitrate, peroxide hydrogen, enough aquadest and then it is destructed to be measured by using Absorbtion Spectrophotometry of Atom (SSA). Media is made for total plate numeral, and then sample dunging into media in order that it can be incubated in the temperature of 35°c for 48 hours and then calculated  of its colony number. According SNI Zinc degree obtained is 0,48 – 0,515 ppm, and colony number obtained is 43500 CFU/ml under maximum limit.


Zinc metal, bacteria or microbe, absorbing spectrophotometry of atom, total plate numeral, nitrate acid, peroxide hydrogen, preparation, incubation, colony, SNI.


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