Anti-Inflammatory Activities test of Ethanol Extract of Celery Herb (Apium Graveolens L.) on Male Wistar Rats

Desi Intan Wulandari, Sri Peni Fitrianingsih, Lanny Mulqie


One of plants in Indonesia, the celery, has anti-inflammatory activities. This study
is designed to detect celery herb ethanol extract activities and to determine orally
administration of celery herb ethanol extract dosage in terms of mean volume of mice feet treated by induction of carrageenan. The study is divided into 5 mice groups: positive control (left feet inducted by carrageenan 1%, right feet inducted by NaCl 0,9%) and treated by CMC Na 0,5% orally, comparator of diclophenac natrium 4.5%/kg BB and left feet inducted by carrageenan 1%, dosage of celery herb ethanol extract 100 mg/kg BB, 200 mg/kg BB, 400 mg/kg BB and left feet inducted by carrageenan 1%. Furthermore, data is analyzed by using ANOVA and LSD. The results of ANOVA and LSD analyses suggest statistically significant
difference at 8th hour in positive control group. These results indicate that the dosages of celery herb ethanol extract, 100 mg/kg BB, 200 mg/kg BB, 400 mg/kg BB, has anti-inflammatory activities and the percentage of mean inflammatory inhibition is 21.88%, 27.29%, 34.40%, respectively.


Celery Herb (Apium graveolens L.), anti-inflammatory, edema, Carrageenan


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