Karakterisasi dan Optimasi Tepung Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri) sebagai Basis Sediaan Edible Film

Ilyas Surya Drajat, Gita Cahya Eka Darma, Ratih Aryani


Abstract. Porang is a tuber plant of the Amorphophallus genus. This tuber contains mannan polymers (it has an ability to crystallize and forming fine fibers) and also Calcium oxalate which can cause itching. The purpose of this study is to characterize porang flour and its glucomannan potential as a base for edible films. Flour characterization was carried out by the particle size distribution method by sieve-shaker mesh <20-200. Calcium oxalate reduction is done by soaking method in Sodium chloride 0%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10% and 12% w/v with a variation of boiling time are 20, 25, 30, and 35 minutes at 80ºC. Glucomannan extraction was carried out by maceration-filtration method and optimization of glucomannan film base was done by solvent casting technique at 2%, 4%, 6% dan 8% w/v of glucomannan flour. The characterization results show that 0.65 mm flour (mesh 40) was the best adhesion, swelling and absorption of water ability. 94.37% is the best Calcium oxalate reduction results were obtained at 35 minutes boiling time and 12% NaCl concentration which generate 10.7 mg/100g for final Calcium oxalate content (passed the safety requirements of consumption: 71 mg/100g but did not pass SNI: 1mg/100g). The 4th formula (8% glucomannan flour) is the best formula that passed mechanical testing based on Japanesse Industrial Standards (JIS) and general pharmaceutical testing.

Keywords: Porang tuber, Glukomannan, Calcium oxalate, Edible film

Abstrak. Porang merupakan tanaman umbi-umbian dari marga Amorphophallus. Umbi ini mengandung polimer mannan (sehingga memiliki kemampuan untuk mengkristal dan membentuk serat halus) serta Kalsium oksalat yang dapat menyebabkan gatal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkarakterisasi tepung porang dan potensi glukomannannya sebagai basis edible film. Karakterisasi tepung dilakukan dengan metode persebaran ukuran partikel dengan alat sieve-shaker mesh <20-200. Reduksi Kalsium oksalat dilakukan dengan metode perendaman dalam larutan Natrium klorida 0%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10% dan 12% b/v dengan variasi waktu perebusan 20, 25, 30, dan 35 menit pada suhu 80ºC. Ekstraksi glukomannan dilakukan dengan metode maserasi-filtrasi dan optimasi basis film glukomannan dilakukan dengan teknik solvent casting pada konsentrasi 2%, 4%, 6% dan 8% b/v tepung glukomannan. Hasil karakterisasi terbaik dihasilkan dari tepung berukuran 0,65 mm (mesh 40). Hasil reduksi Kalsium oksalat terbaik (94,37%) didapat pada waktu perebusan 35 menit pada konsentrasi NaCl 12% dengan kadar Kalsium oksalat akhir 10,7 mg/100g (memenuhi persyaratan keamanan konsumsi: 71 mg/100g namun tidak memenuhi SNI: 1mg/100g). Formula 4 (8% tepung glukomannan) merupakan formula terbaik yang memenuhi pengujian mekanik berdasarkan Japanesse Industrial Standart (JIS) dan pengujian farmasetika secara umum.

Kata kunci: Umbi porang, Glukomannan, Kalsium oksalat, Edible film



Umbi porang, Glukomannan, Kalsium oksalat, Edible film

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v6i2.23181

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