Strategi Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM) Kain Sutera di Kecamatan Tanasitolo Kabupaten Wajo

Andi Achyadi Syarif Patunru, Westi Riani, Aan Julia


Tanasitolo Sub-district is one of the areas in Wajo Regency located approximately 250 KM from the Capital of South Sulawesi Province (Makassar). Wajo Regency is famous for its silk weaving where its industrial center is located in Tanasitolo Sub-district "Kampung BNI Tenun Sutera Wajo". Wajo community activities in managing suture have been done for generations either used as side activities, or managed in the scale of the household industry, even to medium industries. However, in the development of SMEs, the silk fabric in Tanasitolo Sub-district is still constrained by the availability of local raw materials and capital owned by business actors. The purpose of this research is to know the internal factor of IKM of silk fabric that is strength and weakness owned by IKM, and external factor that is opportunity and threat faced by business actors, and also to know the development strategy of IKM. This research uses qualitative research method which analyzed through SWOT method (Strengthas, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats). The result of analysis shows that the factors that constitute the strength for IKM-IKM of silk fabric in Tanasitolo Sub-district are: can fulfill the existing market production capacity, the work force has good experience and skill, cash payment system, both business actor And weavers are able to create their own design motifs. Factors that are weaknesses are: lack of availability of local raw materials, limited capital, no patent design motives, still using manual machines, marketing has not been using internet technology (sosmed). Based on the results of analysis in the external factors that become an opportunity that is: the existence of government support, products are known, and market demand continues to increase as the population increases. Factors that are threats are: the availability of local raw materials is lacking, limited capital, unhealthy competition. The strategy that is considered appropriate is the strategy of exploiting opportunities to avoid weaknesses (WO Strategy), by way of government facilitating local raw materials at affordable prices, the government provides low interest loans, business actors patenting the resulting motives, utilizing internet technology (online) to market products .


Small Medium Industry Center, Development Strategy, Silk Fabrics Industry


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