Externalities and public policy attractions Floating Market Lembang

Zahra Putri Fadhila, Asnita Frida Sebayang, Nurfahmiyati Nurfahmiyati


Floating Market is one of the developing tourist attraction in Kecamatan Lembang. The establishment of the Floating Market attraction area is instrumental in increasing the regional income, encouraging investors to open business in Lembang sub-district, and provide opportunities in the form of providing jobs and side jobs that can be done by the community. The problem of this study is Forms of externality generated by the Floating Market attraction and to identify appropriate forms of public policy strategies for addressing the problem of externalities in the Floating Market. The method of analysis used is a combination method consisting of quantitative and qualitative analysis. The results showed that the Floating Market attraction raises various forms of externalities both positive and negative. These forms of externalities can be an opportunity and are utilized by the community in Kecamatan Lembang to improve their standard of living. The most important public policy according to the public perception is the supervision and control of the Floating Market attraction.


Externalities, Tourist Attraction, Public Policy


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.8523

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