Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Kecil Menengah Kerajinan Jaket Kulit Di Kampung Sukaregang Kabupaten Garut

Muhamad Deri Buldansyah, Dewi Rahmi, Nurfahmiyati Nurfahmiyati


Sukaregang Village is one area that is in Garut regency as a producer of leather jacket craft. The development of leather craft industry in Garut regency is well developed, this is evidenced by the value of a very large investment. However, there is a decrease in sales due to the inclusion of various products from outside and used clothing products. The government is also less attention to the industry located in the area Sukaregang Garut Kota District. The purpose of this study is to determine the strengths and weaknesses and opportunities and threats of the leather jacket industry development strategy in Kampung Sukaregang. This research uses primary and secondary data analyzed through SWOT approach. The result of the analysis shows that factor which is the strength for leather jacket industry in Sukaregang Village, that is Access get easy raw material, location close to raw material supplier, raw material quality is good enough, big enough labor, own design, leather jacket product quality more Good and establish cooperation with other companies. The factors that are weaknesses are expensive raw materials, raw materials are difficult to predict, limited capital, cooperatives are not working, wages given to low labor, design is not patented, market coverage is not broad, competitors from neighbors. The analysis of the external environment that becomes an opportunity is the Government does not restrict the production of leather jacket handicrafts, the Government helps business actors to export and the Government helps in providing production facilities. The threat factor is from the development of leather jacket business is the Government does not provide capital, the Government does not provide training on labor, the emergence of other products in the region, the emergence of cheap Chinese products and the entry of leather jacket products from other regions. Strategies that are considered appropriate are strategies to increase the amount of business capital, strategies to improve training and business skills development, strategies to strengthen the design made and the government strategy to open the cooperative again.


Strategy, Small and medium enterprises


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Wahyuniarso, â€Strategi Pengembangan Industri Kecil Keripik Di Dususn Karangbolo Desa Lerep Kabutapen Semarangâ€, 2013, Skripsi

Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor .20 tahun 208 tentang Usaha Mikro Kecil pasal 4


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