Factors Affecting Economic Growth in Indonesia Year 1990-2015

Anissa Anindita Putri, Ima Amaliah, Westy Riani


Development is a physical reality as well as a community's determination to try as hard as possible through a combination of social, economic and institutional processes to achieve a better life. Development at its core aims to make the lives of a more prosperous and prosperous society. Economic growth is always a priority for a country because economic growth indicates an increase in per capita income. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the influence of labor, government expenditure, export and dummy economic crisis on economic growth .. Secondary data collection through website of Bank Indonesia and Indonesia BPS data. The method of analysis used is descriptive quantitative method by using simple regression of OLS by using program eviews 7.1 to know result of research. The results showed that the variable of labor and economic crisis have statistically effect on economic growth. While government spending and net exports statistically have no effect on economic growth. Thus the government not only focuses on state expenditure and net exports but also must pay attention to the quality of human resources and anticipate the economic crisis.


Economic Growth, Labor, Government Expenditure, Economic Crisis


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.8348

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