Factors that determine demand for financing on BMT Kopsyakardos Unisba

Syifa Rufaidah, Susilo Setiyawan, Westi Riany


The development of economic activities, we need to the sources of providing funds to finance all kinds of needs that required by the community. The presence of BMT as micro finance institutions based syariah in the world community empowerment is expected to become alternative that are more innovative in providing financing for. Relating to demand financing syariah financial institutions, it interesting to find factors determine the financial institutions on financing BMT Kopsyakardos Unisba. This research using data secondary or primary. Secondary data obtained from library research meanwhile the primary data was obtained from 80 respondents member of BMT. Engineering data processing using SPSS and scale of likert in order to help in the preparation of research. The purpose of this study is to provide a factors that determines financing demand in BMT Kopsyakardos Unisba. According to the data processing the results that the research income, tastes, and pricing determine respondents in demand funds in BMT Kopsyakardos Unisba. It can be seen by variables valid and it is reliable. Besides criteria grade attainment of a variable be in the area agree. Variable tastes produce total highest score of 2817 or average value continuum be in the area agree. This means that the tastes is one factor most dominant in determining the decision members in funds in BMT Kopsyakardos Unisba.


BMT, demand financing


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.8337

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