Peran Industri Mikro dan Kecil dalam Mengentaskan Kemiskinan di Kecamatan Bandung Kulon

Putri Aulia, Atih Rohaeti Dariah, Aan Julia


The processing industry is a sector that contributes encouraging the economy in the city of Bandung considerably. Bandung Kulon is one of the subdistric in Bandung that its majority by micro and small industries. Eventhough the potential is quite alot, Bandung Kulon stoll have problems in poverty.

The aim of this research is to find out the state of pauper in Bandung Kulon, and how many poor worker are absorbed by the industries, and to investigate how big the role of the micro and small industries in eliminating poverty. The method of this research used interview, questionnaires and documentation dissemination. The number of respondents are 97 of the pauper population. The measurment used likert scale.

The research findings showed the condition of respondents that divided into four classifications, they are : poor, near poor, hadly poor and not poor. There are 25% of 97 repondents who work in micro and small industries. Meanwhile the role of industries in bandung Kulon is less in eliminating poverty, because most of the owner of micro and small industries employed the worker from familiy and their relatives, and also most of pauper do not have skills in industry feild. Thus, the goverment should give more orientation towards the problems above in the future.


Industri Mikro dan Kecil, Pengentasan Kemiskinan dan Skala Likert


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