Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Harga Premi Asuransi Jiwa di Kota Bandung

Dean Liani Puteri, Westi Riani, Meidy Haviz


Efforts to overcome the risks to be faced is one of the services offered by the insurance company. Insurance is the best and most effective method used to alleviate the concerns of uncertainty. As the capital of West Java, Bandung is the city with the highest population. The purpose of this study is to analyze what factors determine the price of life insurance premiums in the city of Bandung. Variables used in this research are income, age and survival fund (sum insured). The type of data concluded in this study is the primary data sourced from the survey of respondents who are life insurance users in Bandung and secondary data from the literature-literature associated with this research. Based on the result of regression analysis, the determination of life insurance premium price in Bandung can be explained by 84,86% by income variable, age, and survival fund (sum insured), while the rest 15,14% is influenced by other factors outside Variable. Partially variable Revenue, variable of Age, and variable of Sustainability Fund have positive and significant influence to the determination of life insurance premium price in Bandung City.


Life Insurance, Premiums, influencing factors.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.8173

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