The Impact of Land Clearing to the Development of Summarecon Area Bandung (Case Study: Sub-district Community Gedebage)

Mutiara Wulandari, Aan Julia, Noviani Noviani


The development of Summarecon Bandung area is a part of the plan from Bandung Teknopolis development which has a purpose to make a new city. The development of Summarecon Bandung area requires support from the community, one of which is land acquisition. The development has an impact on the socio-economic conditions of nearby communities that are close to the location. The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of the development of Summarecon Bandung area to the socio-economic condition of society around Gedebage sub-district. The socio-economic indicators consist of social interaction from the society, education, type of work, change of business opportunity, and type of income. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research which use a direct interviews to respondents. The sampling technique was done randomly with 7 people from the society near the development area and 6 regional government. The results of the research provides positive socio-economic impacts of future knowledge, changing educational plans, creating jobs, having future business opportunities, and changes in people's income for those who own businesses. In addition to the positive impacts, the development of Summarecon Bandung area gives negative impacts such as the damage done to the public facilities like roads, the development that creates traffic jams that can hamper community, and the community activities threatened by newcomers to compete in the development of Summarecon Area.



Summarecon Bandung, Socio-economic impacts.


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