The Identification of Factors Affecting Demand of Train Freight in the Route of Bandung-Jakarta During 2000-2014

Muhammad Zikriansyah Nandra Caya, Westi Riani, Dewi Rahmi


Nowadays transportation is an important tool in everyday life where the goal is to transport people from one place to another. Rail transport is one of the modes of transportation that have special characteristics and advantages, especially in its ability to carry passengers en masse. This fact makes rail freight services to be one of the people's choices but, in its development, the demand for rail freight services is often volatile. This occurs because of the increasing number of alternative transport options linking Bandung-Jakarta, as well as the distance between the two cities that is relatively close. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the real price of a train ticket, the real price of the travel ticket (microbus transportation services), real income per capita, population, and operation of Cipularang to the demand of service of rail freight in Bandung-Jakarta route. The amount of elasticity of demand for rail freight services Bandung-Jakarta service on these factors. Observing data in 2000-2014 period and method of Ordinary Least Square to estimate the demand function, the obtained results of the analysis show that the real price of a train ticket and real price of travel have significant negative effect on rising prices will reduce the demand for rail freight services in Bandung-Jakarta route. The same is shown by the variable of Cipularang operation that is negative. Meanwhile, real income per capita and the number of people is a positive effect on demand for rail freight services. The result of calculation of price elasticity of demand of rail freight services is inelastic to the price of train tickets. In addition, the price of the travel ticket is elastic. The results indicate that the cross elasticity of demand for rail transport is very responsive to changes in the price of the travel ticket with a negative coefficient. It is clear that this travel transport services is complementary or supplementary to the freight trains Bandung-Jakarta route. Elasticity of demand for transport services to revenues is elastic and positive, which means demand freight trains are normal goods. The demand for rail freight services is also very responsive to changes in population size. The operation of Cipularang Toll Road is inelastic and negative, indicating that demand for rail freight services Bandung-Jakarta service less in response to the operation of Cipularang.


Transportation, Railway Demand, Demand Elasticity


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