Portrait of Doll Industrial Cluster in the Village of Cijerah

Siti Laila Aprilia, Ria Haryatiningsih, Noviani Noviani


Cluster is a group of interrelated industrial businesses. Cluster is also a concentration of competing, collaborating, and interdependent companies and institutions associated with a system of market and non-market linkages. The concentration of industry in a region cannot be separated from investment or employers' perception in selecting the location of industry and the attractiveness of locations owned in the region. Many important factors are taken into consideration of management or business owners in determining the location of industry. The determining factors are different for each industry. This study is aimed to describe Portrait of Doll Industrial Cluster On Cijerah Village. The method of data analysis was qualitative descriptive analysis. The qualitative data was resulted from the interviews and surveys. The sampling formula involved 60 samples.


Industrial Cluster, Industrial Area


Data Kelurahan Cijerah, 2014.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.2823

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