Relation Between Eating Frequency and Gastritis Symptoms in Students of FK Unisba Batch 2016

Sulastri Widia Astuti, Adhika Putra Rakhmatullah, Nurul Romadhona


Gastritis is inflammation in gastric mucosa. Commonly, gastritis occur due to dietary error that affect gastric acid to increase. Dietary habits consists of type, amount, and frequency. In this research studied is the frequency of eating. Good frequency of eating is three times a day, which is in the morning, afternoon and evening. If it is late about two to three hours, gastric acid produced will be increased and excessed so gastric mucosa will be iritated and caused pain around epigastrium. This research is aimed to investigate prevalence of gastritis, frequency of eating and relation between frequency of eating and gastritic symptoms in students of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Bandung batch 2016. This research type is analytical with cross sectional approach and sample was taken by using total sampling through giving questionnaire. The results obtained 110 respondents. Frequency of eating one time as many as 36 respondents, frequency of eating twice as much as 50 respondents. Respondents who had symptoms of gastritis were 34 respondents. Thus, it is concluded that there is relation between dietary error (frequency of eating) with gastritic symptoms in students of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Bandung batch 2016 with p value=0.05. Gastritis in Medical Student allegedly caused by irreguler frequency of eating, this might happen due to the hectic schedule of lectures, group of friends or environments, living alone or with their family, and awareness of the importance of the respondent's regular meal.



Frequency of eating, gastritis, students


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