Effect of Sweet Potato Getuk to 2 Hours Postprandial Glucose

Fitria Dewi Lestari, Sadiah Achmad, Widayanti Widayanti


Diabetes mellitus is defined as a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia due to insulin deficiency or decrease in insulin effectiveness that cause various acute and chronic complications. Selection of food with low glycemic index can reduce the occurrence of complications. The glycemic effect of food is influenced by fiber content and the preparation method. Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is rich in fiber. Steamed sweet potatoes have a moderate glycemic index. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of red, yellow, and purple sweet potatoes getuk on 2 hours postprandial (PP) blood glucose. The study was conducted at Faculty of Medicine Unisba from March through May 2017. This research used experimental method with 12 normal subjects and each received 4 treatments, namely the provision of sweet potatoes red, yellow, and purple and sugar water given the subject after 8 hours of fasting. Blood glucose levels were measured at fasting and 2 hours PP. The data were analyzed using wilcoxon test which showed red sweet potato having p value <0,05, which means giving effect to 2 hours PP blood glucose. While the yellow and purple sweet potatoes getuk has a value of p> 0.05, it means that does not affect the 2 hours PP blood glucose. So that the yellow and purple sweet potato getuk can be used as a snack for DM patients because it can maintain PP blood glucose.


DM, sweet potato getuk, two hours PP blood glucose


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/kedokteran.v0i0.8651

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