Correlation between Waist Circumference with FEV1 and FVC of Male Student FK Unisba

Yuli Syahiliah, Sadiah Achmad, Retno Ekowati


Obesity is associated with the mechanics of breathing. Presence of adipose tissue in the abdomen that fills the chest wall resulting in increased intra-abdominal pressure, pressing the thoracic cavity, diaphragm and lung, causing disruption on the decline (contraction) of the diaphragm, decrease in lung volume and increased work of the respiratory muscles . This study aims to determine the relationship of waist circumference with the value of FEV1 and FVC of male students in FK Unisba. The study used an analytic observational method and cross sectional approach. Determination of research subjects with consecutive sampling technique obtained the number of sample was 38 people, 20 people with normal waist circumference (≤ 90 cm) and 18 people with obesity waist circumference (> 90 cm). Statistical analysis was bivariate using Independent T Test and Pearson Correlation method. The results of this study, the mean FEV1 and FVC normal waist circumference group was 95,13% and 86,82% and obesity waist circumference group was 91,19% and 84,99%. There was no significant difference between normal and obesity waist circumference with FEV1 (p = 0,420) and FVC (p = 0,721) (p> 0,05). There is no relationship between waist circumference with FEV1 (p = 0,859) and FVC (p = 0,644) (p > 0,05). Conclusion in this research there is no relation between waist circumference with value of FEV1 and FVC of male student in FK Unisba.


FEV1, FVC, Waist circumference.


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