The Relationship between Obesity and Enhancement Blood Sugar Level, Uric Acid, Cholesterol of Bandung Al-Ihsan Hospital in Year 2015-2017

Indera Edna Kamaluddin, Widayanti Widayanti, R Anita Indriyanti


Obesity is a condition of increasing amount of body fat and associated with body mass index. Obesity increase leptin levels and one of the indicators that caused hypothalamus damage and leading to insulin resistance. The function of insulin is to suppress the production of blood glucose levels. Obesity also makes the uric acid level to increase by production of xanthine oxidoreductase. Similarly, cholesterol levels are increased due to the hydrolysis process of triglycerides into low density lipoprotein. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of obesity with elevated blood glucose, uric acid, and cholesterol at RSUD Al-Ihsan of Bandung. This research was conducted from 2015-2017. The research methode is analitycal observational with cross-sectional design. The sample of research were 20 people with obese and 20 people without obese. All of them observed the level of blood glucose, uric acid, and cholesterol. As for mann-whitney test and t-independent test results, it was shown that the blood glucose level had p=0,174, uric acid level had p=0,065, and cholesterol level had p=0,109 or p>0,05. In conclusion, there is no relationship between obesity with glood glucose level, uric acid level, and cholesterol level.


Blood Glucose, Cholesterol, Obesity, Uric Acid


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