Correlation between Age, Gender, and Vehicle in Traffic Accident with Type of Lower-Extremity Fracture at Al Islam Hospital 2016

Annisa Nadzira, Yuniarti Yuniarti, Susan Fitriyana


Musculoskeletal disease has become a common problem in health centers around the world, even the World Health Organization (WHO) has set 2000-2010 to decades of bones and joints problem. The most of fractures problem is an accident, whether it is work accidents, traffic accidents and etc. Rapid traffic progress in terms of number of road users, number of vehicles, number of users of freight services and increased road network with vehicle speed allows fracture as a result of traffic accidents. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between age, sex and vehicle type in traffic accidents with type of lower extremity fracture at Al Islam Hospital 2016. This research uses descriptive analytic method. The study was conducted in March-May 2017. Determination of the sample size using simple random sampling with the subjects of the study were patients who had traffic accidents with lower extremity fractures at Al Islam Hospital 2016 as many as 41 people. The result showed that the significance value of age and vehicle variables have significance value (0,514 and 0,062) bigger than test significance value (p <0,05). Conclusion there is no relation between age, sex, and vehicle type to lower extremity fracture type in traffic accident.


Type of vehicle, Type of fracture, Age


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