The Effect of Robusta Coffee Bean on Improving Sperm Quality On Mice Of Infertil Model

Mustika Wulandari, R.B Soeherman2, Annisa Rahmah Furqanni


The incidence of infertility is not stable but the incidence of infertility has increased sharply over the last few decades. It is estimated there are about 48.5 million couples in the world who can not have children after five years. Infertility can be caused by factors from men, as well as women. Male factors alone account for about 25% to 40%. Some of the causes that can cause infertility in men include the following: congenital abnormalities, infections, drugs, previous surgery, scrotal temperature, radiation, smoking history etc. This research was conducted by laboratory experimental method from March to May in Histology Lab Faculty of Medicine Padjadjaran University, with the aim to know the effect of robusta coffee on improving sperm quality in infertile mice. The samples were 34 male mice: 6 tails as normal control (K), 4 were given garlic infusions 75mg / head / day (B), 6 tails as infertile control (P0); 6 tails were given robusta coffee seed bean 72mg / kgBB (P1); 6 tails were given robusta coffee bean 36mg/ kgBB (P2); 6 tails were given 18mg / kgBW (P3). The results showed that there was an increase in the speed of sperm, especially with a dose of 72mg / kgBW; Increase in normal morphology of sperm especially at dose of 72mg / kgBB; There was no significant change in sperm count.


infertile, robusta coffee, sperm quality


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