Correlation Between Frequency and Number Of Fiber Intake With The Pattern Of Defecation

Agnes Annurul Maulidia, Siti Annisa Devi Trusda, Miranti Kania Dewi


Journal of Nutrition and Food 2014, revealed that Indonesian children only consume half of the recommended fiber portion. According to the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2013, the proportion of population aged ≥10 years with consumption pattern of less eating vegetables and fruits reached 93.5%. The presence of dietary fiber in the faeces causes the faeces to absorb water that the volume becomes large and the texture becomes soft. The presence of a large volume of stool will speed up bowel contractions for faster bowel movements and faster food transit times. This study was aimed to analyze the relationship between frequency and the amount of fiber intake with the pattern of defecation in 4th and 5th grade students  of Cisitu Elementary School Bandung in 2017 using observational analytic methods.  Data obtained from the results of Food Recall and Bristol Stool Chart conducted to the respondents as many as 48 people with simple random sampling method. Results showed that there was a significant relationship between the frequency of fiber intake with the frequency of defecation in the respondents with the value p = 0.044 (p≤0.05) and there was a significant relationship between the amount of fiber intake with the frequency of defecation in the respondent with the value p = 0.006 (p≤ 0.05). There is a significant relationship between the frequency and the amount of fiber intake with the pattern of defecation, the fiber will increase bowel movement, smoothing the stool for easier pass through the colon, so it can also increase the frequency of defecation


frequency of fiber intake, frequency of defecation, amount of fiber intake, defecation pattern.


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