Etanol Extract of Melinjo skin Effect to Decrease Uric Acid Level Hyperurisemia

Khisti Tsabita Rakhmahayati, Rika Nilapsari, Adhika Putra Rakhmatullah


Incidence of hyperuricemia increasing every year, in Indonesia prevalence incidence of hyperuricemia is 32% in people under 34 years. Decreasing uric acid level will preventing the onset of manifestation. Melinjo skin is trusted by indonesian can reduce uric acid level; This experimental was conducted on male swiss webster mice by dividing into 5 handling group: normal, dosage 0,065 mg/20gBB of etanol extract melinjo skin, dosage 0,13 mg/20gBB of etanol extract melinjo skin, dosage 0,26 mg/20gBB of etanol extract melinjo skin, and positive control using Allopurinol, then measuring uric acid level before and after group handling. This research was conducted in biomedical laboratory of Faculty of Medicine Unisba during April to May 2017; Three dosage group is compared with normal group resulting conclusion that etanol extract of melinjo skin can decrease uric acid level. Three dosage group is also compared with allopurinol the result is effective dose of etanol extract melinjo skin that can decrease uric acid level is 0,26 mg/20gBB; Melinjo skin containing antioxidant such as askorbat, tokoferol, flavonoid, saponin, and polifenol which is blocking formation of uric acid; etanol extract of melinjo skin can decrease uric acid level with 0,26 mg/20gBB as effective dose.


Etanol extract of melinjo skin, swiss webster mice, uric acid level.


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