Description of Patient Satisfaction Level to Anesthesia Services at RSUD Al-Ihsan Bandung

Muhammad Aries Dwi Prakoso, Saleh Trisnadi, Rika Nilapsari


One of the health services in Indonesia is anesthesiology and intensive therapy provided at the hospital. The type of services provided by each hospital will vary, depending on the facilities and resources owned by the hospital. Patient satisfaction becomes the level of compliance which is an important component and an indicator of quality in health services. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of patient satisfaction on anesthesia services in RSUD Al-Ihsan Bandung. The research was conducted by descriptive observational method and using purposive sampling to patients who were operated upon under anaesthesia in RSUD Al-Ihsan Bandung. Data on the satisfaction level of anesthesia services were obtained from the questionnaire and interview using a validated form. The results showed that most respondents expressed satisfaction with pre-anesthesia and post-anesthesia services. The empathy aspect of pre-anesthesia and post-anesthesia services is the biggest aspect (82.9% and 74.3%) of patient satisfaction. While the aspects of fear and concern on pre-anesthesia is still a problem because the value is still high ie 25.7% means that many respondents are afraid. The anesthesia service at RSUD Al-Ihsan Bandung was good enough in all aspects (tangibles, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, fear and concern, and discomfort and needs) as indicated by satisfaction statement in most respondents.



patient satisfaction, anesthesia service


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