Comparison Between The Effects of Leaf Litter of Chinese Petai (Leucaena leucocephala) and Honey on The Wound Healing Process in Mice

Milke kholilah, R. Anita Indriyanti, Budiman Budiman


Leaf of Chinese Petai and honey is some of the plants and drink that can be used in the treatment of wounds. They contained in Chinese Petai leaf as flavonoids and tannins have activity as antioxidants, catalase, inhibits the formation of mediators and enzymes that cause inflammation. These activities helped the wound healing process. This research is an experimental laboratory with complete randomized design method where 27 male Swiss Webster rats were divided into 3 groups. Positive control (povidone iodine 10%) and 2 treatment groups (group II and III) were each given honey and litter leaf of chinese petai topically. Measurements were made during 14 days beginning one day after the incision on the back area with a length 1,5 cm. The data was analysed with Oneway Anova method and Post Hoc Tukey test which showed not significant difference in mean wound healing between groups of  povidone iodine 10%, honey and Chinese Petai leaf (p>0,05). The result of the study showed that povidone iodine 10%, honey and Chinese Petai leaf given the effect to wound healing incision but there is no difference in the rate of wound healing.


Chinese Petai leaf, honey, wound.


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