Correlation Between Body Mass Index and Histopathological Finding On Breast Cancer Patient In RS. AL-Islam Bandung

Andini Shellawaty Nugraha, Ismet M. Nur, Siti Annisa Devi Trusda


Breast carcinoma is the second most common cancer among women in Indonesia. Body mass index can affect estrogen hormone levels in women, in directly proportional manner. Histopathological examination still become a gold standard for cancer diagnosis and prognostic determination. This study was aimed to determine the relationship of body mass index with histopathological findings. Method used was observational analytic with cross sectional approach. Data was taken from medical record in the form of histopathology examination result of breast carcinoma patient at Al-Islam Hospital Bandung period 2013-2016. Result showed  84 respondents has body mass index group in the normal category (39.3%), most histopathological type of breast cancer was Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (96.3%).  Statistical analysis using chi square test showed that there was a significant relationship between body mass index and histopathology type with p = 0,050 (p≤0,05). Conclusions: there wass a significant relationship between body mass index with histopathological findings in patients with breast carcinoma in RS. Al-Islam Bandung period 2013-2016.


body mass index, breast carcinoma, histopathology type


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