Description of Knowledge about Personal Protective Equipment (Ppe) and Benzene Effect on Health and Attitude of Using Ppe Mask of Gasoline Station Worker in Bandung

Noviyanti Hutami Putri, Susanti Dharmmika, Ismawati Ismawati


Human exposure to benzene has been associated with a range of acute adverse like drowsiness, dizziness, headache, and the long-term adverse has proven to reduce the production of both red and white blood cells from bone marrow in humans, resulting in aplastic anemia. Gasoline station workers who work at filling point part are one of those workers who had the high risk of benzene exposure, to minimize the disease caused by benzene exposure is by using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like mask. The purpose of this study is to see the representation of knowledge level of gasoline station workers about PPE and also benzene effect on health and the attitude of using PPE such as mask in Bandung. The method of this study was descriptive with cross sectional study. The subject of this study is 56 gasoline station workers who work at filling point part and has been working there for 6 until 1 year. The result of this study showed that the knowledge level of gasoline station worker in Bandung about PPE in deficient category was 47 people (83,93%), and the knowledge level of gasoline station worker in Bandung about benzene effect on health in deficient category was 24 people (42,85%) dan the representation of attitude of using PPE is mainly in poor category, because there were 37 people (57,14%) who didn’t use PPE. 


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), benzene effect on health, attitude of using PPE, gasoline station worker


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