Effect of Ethanol Extract Celery (Apium graveolens) In Lowering Blood Glucose Levels Mice (Mus musculus) Diabetic Model

Muhammad Arga Putra Saboe, Herri Sastramihardja, Asep Saefulloh


Treatment of diabetes mellitus (DM) is quite complex, thus requiring an alternative therapy for the patients with diabetes. Alternative treatments that can be used is a traditional medicinal plants. One of the traditional medicional plants that cant be used as antidiabetic drugs is Apium graveloens which contains flavonoid as an antidiabetic agent. The purpose of this research is to assess the effect of Apium graveolens ethanol extract in lowering fasting blood glucose (GDP). The research that has been conducted is an experimental study with a completely randomized design on 28 strains of Swiss Webster mice which were divided into 4 groups: group I (standard feed, alloxan), group II, III, IV (standard feed, alloxan, Apium graveolens extract 2,8 mg/ 20 g of body weight, 5,6 mg/ 20 g of body weight, 11,2 mg/ 20 g of body weight). The measurements were made after a period of adaptation, after alloxan induction and after 7 days of treatment. The research results after the Anova test with the significant value < 0.05 (0.015 < 0.05), thus showing that Apium graveolens extract with the dose of 5,6 mg/ 20 g of body weight, 5,6 mg/ 20 g of body weight,and  11,2 mg/ 20 g of body weight lower the level of GDP significantly. The further Anova test namely post hoc test showed that Apium graveolens with the dose of 5,6 mg/ 20 g of body weight  extract has the highest decrease of GDP levels with 231,33 mg/dL. So that Apium graveolens extract with the dose of 5,6 mg/ 20 g of body weight is the effective dose in lowering the levels of GDP. The research conclusion showed that Apium graveolens ethanol extract can reduce  the levels of GDP.


Diabetes Mellitus, Apium graveolens ethanol extract, Fasting Blood Glucose


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/kedokteran.v0i0.7880

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