Comparison of Physical Fitness which Measured with V ̇O_2 max between Esco Basketball Club With Indorunners Club

Gina Drajat Utami, Ieva B Akbar, Asep Saefullah


Physical fitness is a state of physical ability that can adjust the function of the body to a particular task or to an environment that must be handled efficiently, without excessive fatigue. Physical fitness can be achieved by physical training. The most common type of sport in groups is basketball. Meanwhile, running is a preferred type of sport. Increasing physical activity can achieve good physical fitness. The way to measure physical fitness is by looking at aerobic capacity. The accurate method of assessing aerobic capacity is to measure maximal oxygen consumption (). The purpose of this study was to determine the ratio of physical fitness as measured by  which is addressed to members of basketball clubs and running clubs. The method used in the research is quantitative analytic observational with cross sectional study design with the number of respondents at least 16 people in each group of respondents determined using the two hypothesis test formula average. Research subjects were treated with a harvard test on each group then at . The results showed that the average value of  basket 40.7 ml/kg/min was higher than the run of 34.2 ml/kg/min. Statistical analysis of statistical research using Independent t Test on 95% confidence degree with p = 0,001 (p≤0,05).


basketball, physical fitness, running, V ̇O_2 max


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