Correlation Between Body Mass Index and Mid-Upper Arm Circumference with Level of Heglobin among Reproductive’s Women who is lived at River Banks in Urban Village Tamansari Bandung

Risky Amalia Martis Sugiartono, Wawang S Sukarya, Yuli Susanti


Anemia is a condition where the amount of blood cells, hemoglobin levels (hb) or hematocrit (ht) under normal limits. Anemia is health problems that many found enough in public and affected about a quarter of the number of the world population. Anemia occurs in 500 million women age reproductive around the world. Anemia can be caused by deficiencies of micronutrients, acute infections, and hereditary blood disorders. Anemia cause by nutritional is still common in Indonesia. Anemia associated with disturbance of nutrition can be known by way of connecting it with the Body Mass Index (BMI) and Mid-upper Arm Circumference (MUAC). In laboratory examination anemia elaborated as a circumstance hemoglobin levels below normal. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between BMI and MUAC with Levels of hemoglobin in women with reproductive age who lived in river banks in Urban Village Taman Sari Bandung. The research had been conducted with observational analytic and cross sectional approach. Sample size are 75 reproductive’s women, aged between 20-35 years old determined with simple random sampling. The results showed subjects had normal hemoglobin (90,70%), normal BMI (62.70%), and MUAC normal (89.30%). Statistical analysis of the association between BMI and anemia (p = 0,80 and p=0,061) and between MUAC and anemia (p = 0.139). The conclusion is no statistical significant correlation between IMT and LLA with abnormal level of  hemoglobin.


Anemia, BMI, Hemoglobin, MUAC


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