Fetal Outcomes on Breech Position in Al – Ihsan District Hospital

Muhammad Gilang Adhi Pratama, Hidayat Wijayanegara, Siska Nia Irasanti


Infant mortality rate (IMR) that occurs in the world according to WHO is 30 per 1,000 live births. Indonesia has an IMR in 2015 of 13.5 per 1,000 live births. IMR in Bandung Regency in 2014 amounted to 33.9 per 1,000 live births. The breech position incidence is 3-4% from total births in the world. The mortality and morbidity of breech born is 6-9 times higher than cephalic position born. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the percentage of breech birth and fetal outcome seen from the aspects of neonatal asphyxia and perinatal mortality. This study used the retrospective descriptive method by using medical records. The target population of this study is parturients with breech deliveries in Al - Ihsan District Hospital period January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2016. The sampling method for the subjects was total population with 116 subjects of those who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. This study showed that deliveries with spontaneous Bracht 30.5%, manual aid 9.2%, and caesarean section 60.3%. Fetal outcome at live birth in vaginal deliveries was 89.1%, perinatal mortality 10.9%, mild-moderate asphyxia 54.3%. While in caesarean section are live born for 100% and asphyxia mild-moderate for 47,1%. The conclusion of this study found that most parturients were born with caesarean section and outcome of live birth fetus and mild-moderate asphyxia


Breech deliveries, Fetal outcome


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/kedokteran.v0i0.6871

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