Pengaruh Air Zamzam terhadap Durasi Acute Motility Diarrhea pada Mencit

Velia Putri Athila, Eka Hendryanny, Yuniarti Yuniarti


Air zamzam kaya akan mineral esensial seperti natrium, magnesium dan klorin. Ketiga zat tersebut berperan dalam menurunkan durasi diare. Komplikasi utama diare adalah dehidrasi karena dapat menyebabkan kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh air zamzam terhadap durasi acute motility diarrhea pada mencit. Penelitian analitik eksperimental dengan rancangan Randomized Post-Test Only Control Group Design pada 25 ekor mencit yang diinduksi oleum ricini dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2018. Subyek dibagi dalam 5 kelompok. Satu kelompok kontrol normal dan empat kelompok lain diinduksi oleum ricini lalu kelompok kontrol positif diberi loperamide, kelompok kontrol negatif diberi aquadest, kelompok perlakuan 1 diberi air zamzam dan kelompok perlakuan 2 diberi oralit. Pengamatan dilakukan selama 1 hari. Uji statistik menggunakan One Way Anova dan LSD menunjukan nilai p=0,041. Hasil penelitian menunjukan rerata durasi diare pada kelompok kontrol positif 66 menit, kontrol negatif 240 menit, perlakuan 1 144 menit dan perlakuan 2 198 menit. Hal tersebut menunjukkan pengaruh air zamzam terhadap durasi acute motility diarrhea yang signifikan.


Zamzam water has abudant essential minerals such as sodium, magnesium and chlorine. These three substances play a role in reducing duration of diarrhea. The main complication of diarrhea is dehydration because it can cause death. This study aimed to determine the effect of zamzam water on the duration of acute motility diarrhea in mice. Experimental analytical research with a randomized post-test only control group design in 25 mice induced by oleum ricini was carried out in December 2018. The subjects were divided into 5 groups. One normal control group and four other groups induced by oleum ricini, then the positive control group was given loperamide, the negative control group was given aquadest, the treatment 1 was given zamzam water and the treatment 2 was given oralit. Observations carried out for 1 day. Statistical tests using One Way Anova and LSD show the value of p = 0.041. The results showed the average duration of diarrhea in the positive control group 66 minutes, negative control 240 minutes, treatment 1 144 minutes and treatment 2 198 minutes. This shows significant effect of zamzam water on duration of acute motility diarrhea


zamzam, diare, mencit

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