Hubungan Kebisingan Dengan Gangguan Pendengaran Pada Pekerja Bagian Weaving Pt. Budi Agung Rancaekek

Omi Pratama R.B, Caecielia Wagiono, Ami Rachmi


Abstract. Globally, 360 million people in the world suffer from hearing loss (5.3% of the world's population. The results of Koizumi A's research, Harada K, Siriwong W, occupational noise exposure and hearing defects among sawmill workers in the south of Thailand in Thailand, prevalence rate noise caused by noise (NIHL) was 22.8%, according to the results of Febriana Purwadi's study (2010) in the weaving section of PT Daya Manunggal Salatiga the average intensity was 94.9 dBA-99.3 dBA so that it could be seen that the noise intensity was weaving exceeds the threshold value of 85 dBA According to Wang XM's (2013) study, 297 cases of deafness, 86.16% of the 297 cases occurred in the machinery and textile industry. find out the relationship between noise and hearing loss in weaving section worker Pt Budi Agung Rancaekek This study uses observational analytical methods with a cross sectional study design with weaving employee research subjects at PT. Budi Agung Rancaekek. The results of the study, of 33 people with noise intensity <85, as many as 31 people did not experience NIHL and 2 people experienced NIHL. Of 29 people with noise intensity> 85, as many as 26 people did not experience NIHL and 3 people experienced NIHL. Based on statistical tests with P value (fisher's exact test) is not significantly more than the alpha specified (0.05) so it can be concluded that there is no significant relationship between noise intensity and NIHL where the value of p = 0.658. Conclusion there is no significant relationship between noise intensity and NIHL.

Keywords: Noise, Hearing, Weaving

Abstrak. Secara global 360 juta orang di dunia menderita gangguan pendengaran (5,3% populasi dunia. Hasil penelitian Koizumi A, Harada K, Siriwong W, occupational noise exposure and hearing defects among sawmill workers in the south of Thailand tahun 2017 di Thailand, tingkat prevalensi gangguan pendengaran yang disebabkan kebisingan (NIHL) adalah 22,8%. Menurut hasil penelitian Febriana Purwadi (2010) dibagian weaving PT. Daya Manunggal Salatiga intensitas rata-ratanya yaitu 94,9 dBA-99,3 dBA sehingga dapat diketahui bahwa intensitas kebisingan dibagian weaving melebihi nilai ambang batas yaitu 85 dBA. Menurut penelitian Wang XM (2013), 297 kasus ketulian yang terjadi akibat bising, 86,16 % dari 297 kasus tersebut terjadi di industri permesinan dan industri tekstil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kebisingan dengan gangguan pendengaran pada pekerja bagian weaving PT. Budi Agung Rancaekek. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional study dan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan subyek penelitian karyawan bagian weaving di PT. Budi Agung Rancaekek. Hasil penelitian, dari 33 orang dengan intensitas kebisingan <85, sebanyak 31 orang tidak mengalami NIHL dan 2 orang mengalami NIHL. Dari 29 orang dengan intensitas kebisingan >85, sebanyak 26 orang tidak mengalami NIHL dan 3 orang mengalami NIHL. Berdasarkan uji statistik dengan nilai p (uji fisher’s exact) tidak signifikan lebih dari alpha yang ditentukan (0,05) sehingga dapat disimpulkan tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara intensitas kebisingan dengan NIHL dimana nilai p = 0,658. Simpulan tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara intensitas kebisingan dengan NIHL .

Kata kunci: Kebisingan , Pendengaran , Weaving.


Kebisingan , Pendengaran , Weaving.

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