Nilai-Nilai Dakwah Ulul ‘Azmi dalam Al-Quran (Studi Deskriptif Ayat-Ayat Al-Quran Tentang Dakwah Nabi Ibrahim As dan Nabi Muhammad Saw serta Relevansinya di Zaman Sekarang)

Hamam Winandi, Bambang S Ma'arif, Ida Afidah


Abstract. Al-Quran tells the story of UlulAzmi(arch prophets) preaching. The story contains some values such as patience and this patience is a good example for the people in the future. The story of UlulAzmi is real and it is not manipulated. Thus, the values such as patience and firmness influence the development of the preaching. Firmness is the most influencing values and it becomes the main character of the UlulAzmi(arch prophets).  This character is strongly affected the preaching history of Prophet Ibrahim AS and Prophet Muhammad SAW. The arch prophets are very patience in obeying His order and prohibition. Even though, their life has a lot of obstacles but they are very faithful to Allah. The life history of arch prophets should be an examples for preachers and muslims society nowadays. This research is aimed to find out the values in the preaching history of UlulAzmi (arch preachers, especially prophet Ibrahim and prophet Muhammad) written on holy quran. The research employs descriptive method and it explores some quranic verses related to the life history of UlulAzmi. The result of this research is expected to give valueable teaching especially for muslims. The outcome of this research are: 1) monotheism values Fmilies and societies only worship to one god, Allah, 2) Interactive preaching it allows the muslim followers to see the reality and by seeing the reality will enhance their faith to Allah, 3) Firmness values A preacher should have firmness in teaching the followers and it means that he does not give up easily, 4) Application of Islamic laws ands values (Syari’at Islam) The preacher tries to apply the laws and values in the social life, 5) Characteristic values. The values such as kindness and flabbiness will influence the development of preaching. These charachteristics should be owned by  preacher, and 6) Thinking values, A preacher needs a good political strategy so that the aim of preaching can be achieved.

Abstrak. Al-Quran mengkisahkan dakwah para nabi ulul azmi dalam hal kesabarannya sebagai isyarat akan ada suatu hal yang berharga yang dapat diperoleh darinya, tidak semata-mata cerita tersebut bersifat diada-adakan, main-main ataupun sendagurau belaka. Maka darinya ada suatu nilai yang muncul bagi perkembangan dakwah Islam, yakni keteguhan yang ada pada diri nabi-nabi ulul azmi khususnya nabi Ibrahim juga nabi Muhammad dalam mengemban risalah dakwah. Shabar dalam menjalani perintah dan menjauhi larangan-Nya dan tetap bersungguh-sungguh untuk berada di jalan Allah karena iman yang menacap kuat di dalam hati, sekalipun cobaan yang terasa begitu berat menerpa kepada dirinya. Maka hal itu merupakan suatu contoh yang besar bagi da’i, muballigh maupun masyarakat Muslim di zaman sekarang. Maka dihadirkanlah pada penelitian ini sebagai akses pondasi awal agar seorang da'i mengetahui apa saja nilai-nilai dakwah Ulul Azmi Nabi Ibrahim AS. dan Nabi Muhammad SAW. di dalam al-Quran secara deskriptif maupun historis untuk dijadikan pegangan yang berharga bagi dakwah Islam.


value, da’wah, ululazmi


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