Design Management Information System Of PT Najwa Semesta Mandiri

Riska Novianti Wijaya, Magnaz Lestira Oktaroza, Elly Halimatusadiah


PT Najwa Semesta Mandiri is a company engaged in the field of travel services umrah and hajj special. There are several subsystems that support the company's business processes, including: cash register and cash receipt information system, inventory information system and payroll information system that is being applied by the company, but there are still many weaknesses in the system such as no complete forms, Internal because there is no separation of authority and responsibility on each employee. Analysis and design of information system of registration and cash receipt, inventory management and payroll of employees in PT Najwa Semesta Mandiri aims to identify the needs of companies in the management of data and information transactions business operations. The research method used in the research with FAST approach and JAD development techniques by following the DCLS stage so that the end result of the developed system will get a structured system. The results obtained from the analysis and design of this system is a design of information systems registration and cash receipts, inventory management information system and employee payroll information system yng able to support the operational needs of the company. The advantages of the new system that can improve internal control, security of data security and integrated input and output processes.


Management Information System, PT Najwa Semesta Mandiri


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