Quality Management Information System Against the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance

Citra Herdiantika, Rini Lestari, Nurleli Nurleli


The purpose of this study is to determine the quality of management accounting information systems, penenrapan good corporate governance and influence the quality of management accounting information systems to the implementation of good corporate governance at BPR in the city of Bandung.This research was conducted in BPR Bandung with descriptive method of verification with quantitative approach. Data source used is primary data source. The data collection techniques used are questionnaires. The technique of determining the sample in this research is by purposive sampling. Hypothesis testing used is simple linear regression analysis.The results showed that the quality of management information systems and the implementation of good corporate governance in BPR Bandung included in the criteria very well. The quality of management accounting information system has a strong influence on the implementation of good corporate governance at BPR Bandung.  


Quality Management Accounting Information System, Good Corporate Governance


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.8346

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