The Influence of Conformity Compensation and Organization Commitment on Cheating Detection (A Survey on 3 Indonesian State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in Bandung)

Vidi Wicaksana, Pupung Purnamasari, Hendra Gunawan


This research aims to provide an emirical evidence of the influence of conformity compensation and organization committment simultaneously and partially to cheating detection. This research is brought up due to the reality that not every employee is able to take an ealy detection of company asset misuse. This research uses primer data taken from questionaire filled out by respondents as many as 40 employees of 3 Indonesian State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in Bandung. The data collecting is done through a direct visit to respondents to ask them to fill out the questionaire. The research hypothesis is tested through a multiple linear regression analysis model. Based on the data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis model, it is known that conformity compensation and organization committment influence cheating detection.The research result shows that the conformity compensation and organization culture are simultaneously and partially influential to the cheating detection.


conformity compensation , organization commitment, and cheating detection


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