The Influence of Accounting Profit and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on the Return Stock (An Empirical Study on A LQ45 Company, Year 2011-2013)

Selly Hardiani Lestary, Edi Sukarmanto, Sri Fadilah


This study aims to examine the influence of Accounting Earnings Return on Equity and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on the Stock Return. In this study, the accounting earnings is measured by using the accounting profit net profit, while the Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility is measured by using CSR and Stock Return Index counted by a return realization. Test equipment used in this research is multiple regression analysis. In addition, the population in this study is LQ45 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The population is taken by using sample selection technique which is non-probability sampling purposive sampling technique. Based on the number of the population taken for this research, there are 11 companies, year 2011-2013. This research result mentions that accounting earnings partially has no effect on stock returns and the disclosure of corporate social responsibility that partially gives positive effect on stock returns. Changes in accounting profit is inversely related to stock returns that are negative, while the change in disclosure of corporate social responsibility is directly proportional to the stock return that is positive. In doing this research there are limitations of the disclosure of corporate social responsibility is still using the GRI standard version 3.1. GRI latest version is 3.1 (G3.1), the latest revision of GRI G4 published in 2013. The period of the year that is used by the researcher is the period of transition from the use of standard GRI GRI 3.1 to 4, so there is a period of time to determine the number of company that will be investigated.


Profit Accounting, Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, Return stock


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