The Influence of Intellectual Capital on A Company Value Interfered by Financial Performance on Companies Listed on The Stock exchange (An Empirical Study on Banking Sub-Sector Year 2001-2014)

Putri Riyandini, Edi Sukarmanto, Sri Fadilah


This study is conducted to determine the influence of Intellectual Capital on Company Value, the influence of Intellectual Capital on Financial Performance, the influence of Financial Performance on the Company value, as well as the influence of Intellectual Capital and Company Values interferred by Financial Performance. The Intellectual Capital in this studyis measured by VAICTM, while Company Value is measured by Tobin's Q, and the financial performance is measured by ROE.
Test equipment used in this research is path analysis. In this study, the population of this research is the banking subsector
company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange ( IDX ) with the sampling technique using
purposive sampling. Based on these techniques, the obtained samples are 22 companies in year 2011-2014 .
In this study, the results show that there is a significant effect between Intellectual Capital and Corporate
Value but with a negative direction, there is also a significant effect between Intellectual Capital and Financial
Performance and Financial Performance so oes the value of the firm having a significant influence. In
addition, the results show that there are significant Intellectual Capital on Company Value interferred
by the Financial Performance. In this case the financial performance is managed to mediate the
Intellectual Capital and company value in order to obtain significant results.


Intellectual Capital, Company Value, Financial Performance v


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