The Influence of The Information of The Smoothing Profit Act and The Information Cash Flow from The Operations against The Return of Stocks (A Study in Manufacturing Food & Beverage Companies year 2012-2014 )

Regina Septira, Sri Fadilah, Nurhayati Nurhayati


This research aims to find out the influence of the act information of the smoothing profit and information of cash flow from the operations against the return stock simultaneously and partially. The objects of this research are food and beverage manufacturing companies that is listed in the Stock Exchange. Based on the purposive sampling method, there are 12 food and beverage companies suitable to the criteria of the research data. The data analysis uses a multiple linear regression and hypothesis using „t‟ and „f‟ tests. The result of the research shows that the variables of cash flow information coming from the operation activity is significantly effective while the act information of the smoothing profit does not make any influence on the return stock because most of food and beverage companies suffer from a quite big profit fluctuation.


The Income Smoothing, Cash Flow from Operational Activities, Stock Return


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