Kajian Resiko Bencana Longsor Desa Citengah Kecamatan Sumedang Selatan

Yooga Mustawa


Abstract. The village of Citengah had a problem-prone to the phenomenon of movement of landslides in the rainy season is very vulnerable once occurred so as to make the road becomes disconnected, damaged, as well as closed avalanche home ground. In addition, there are external factors, namely the existence of the Australia Indian and Asia Europe plate which has the risk of being the cause of the landslide. It is therefore necessary the study of risks of landslide in the village of Citengah. The purpose of this research is to minimize the impact of the landslide, as well as to improve the capacity of the village towards disaster. Disaster risk analysis method using the criteria of BNPB about General Guidelines for Disaster Risk Assessment. The conclusions of this research are the first, disaster threat levels are in the category of medium earthquake-prone with a score of 0.67. Second, the level of landslide vulnerability is in the category ofhigh score 0.74. Third, the level of the disaster capacity is on at level 2 because it only has the basic risk factor reduction indicators of the landslide. Therefore,  a sustainable plan for Citengah Village needs to be developed as an effort to manage landslide disaster.


longsor, bencana, resiko


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/pwk.v0i0.6210

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