Kajian Nilai Manfaat Tpa Wisata Edukasi Talangagung di Desa Talangagung Kecamatan Kepanjen Kabupaten Malang

Denissa Rahmadhani


Abstract. Trash is the unwanted material remaining after the end of a process. Garbage discarded remnants of material derived from animal waste, plants, as well as unused human again and released to nature in the form of a solid, liquid and gas. The increase of the amount of garbage volume capacity is accompanied by increased population, increased settlement, the increase of the activity of the economy, and activities/social activities of the community. The existence of this garbage if not resolved properly, it gives rise to a variety of impacts among others cause problems for human health, flood, disease, attack pose a pollution clean water, soil contamination, blockage of drains, the environment became rundown and smell unoleasant and damaging the visual beauty of the city itself. To overcome the issue, malang regency government undertake initiatives, namely place of final processing by building a waste that is capble of creating the waste into renewable energy by producing methan (CH4).This research aims to (1) identy the benefits of direct and indirect educational tours Talangagung Landfill (2)Analyzing the value of direct and indirect benefits TPA educational tours Talangagung. The location of the research done at landfill Talangagug educational tours in the village of Talangagungsub-district of Kepanjen. Methods and analysis techniques used are descriptive quatitative. The results of this research are (1) the land area for development of landfill area of 2,5 Ha (2)Educational tours of landfill Talangagung occurrence in the middle of environtment in surrounding areas, the existence of the landfill in the middle of the city but did not interfere with the activity of the society and does not pollute the environtment in surrounding areas, the existence of the landfill in the middle of the town makes it easy to transport garbage. (3) The population of the village is a much Talangagung 6,926 inhabitants and the population served by the network connection of a gas alternative fuel is a much as 260. (4) Trash in landfill Talangaung by 2015 of 70,490 m3 (5) Benefit from Talangagung educational tours was to produce alternative fuels, as educational attractions, wood utilization, where the search for animal feed, the trees produce oxygen, landfill as a source of livelihood for traders exist around the landfill and scavenger that operate in the landfill and landfill create compost derived from waste-waste organic which is in the landfill.The conclusions of this research are the total value of benefits of landfill educational tours worth Rp. 65,698,046,500 with a value of direct benefits amounting to Rp. 26,162,846,500 and the value of idirect benefits amounting to Rp.39.535.200.000. Recommendations for this study is the need for further study or studies concerning predictive value the benefits of landfill Talangagung educational tours to benefits 50 years into the future and garbage processing applied in educational tours Talangagung Landfill can be done anywhere, therefore of Government can follow the example of landfill Talangaung educational tours for example landfill which is beneficial and supports sustainable development.

Abstrak. Sampah merupakan sisa material yang tidak diinginkan setelah berakhirnya suatu proses. Sampah berasal dari material sisa buangan kotoran hewan, tumbuhan, maupun manusia yang sudah tidak terpakai lagi dan dilepaskan ke alam dalam bentuk padatan, cair dan gas. Bertambahnya jumlah kapasitas volume sampah diiringi dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk, meningkatnya permukiman, bertambahnya kegiatan perekonomian, serta kegiatan/aktivitas sosial masyarakat. Keberadaan sampah ini jika tidak terselesaikan dengan baik, maka menimbulkan berbagai dampak antara lain menimbulkan masalah bagi kesehatan manusia, banjir, menimbulkan serangan penyakit, pencemaran air bersih, pencemaran tanah, tersumbatnya saluran air, lingkungan menjadi kumuh serta bau yang tidak sedap dan merusak keindahan visual kota itu sendiri. Untuk menanggulangi permasalahan ini, Pemerintah Kabupaten Malang melakukan inisiatif yaitu dengan membangun Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir Sampah yang mampu menciptakan sampah menjadi energi baru terbarukan dengan menghasilkan Gas Metana (CH4).


landfill educational tours, direct benefits , indirect benefits


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/pwk.v0i0.6151

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