The Directives for Minneapolitan Region Development in Galang District of Batam City

Retno Anjar Sari, Ivan Chofyan


Minneapolitan development in Galang District of Batam City has problems that decrease aquaculture and fisheries productivity. The problems are (1) the high price of feed, (2) low human capital in fishery, and (3.) the lack of facilities and supporting infrastructure. Based on these problems, the study has been formulated to answer several questions. (1) What is the space structure of the Minneapolitan Region? (2) How do the needs of supporting facilities for Minneapolitan activities in accordance with regulatory standards? (3) How are directives for the development of Minapolitan Region? Therefore, the purposes of this study are to (1) identifying the space structure of the Minneapolitan Region, (2) identify needs for supporting facilities and infrastructure of the Minneapolitan region based on regulatory standards, and (3) formulate the direction of the development of the Minneapolitan Region. The analysis used in this study was the analysis of the spatial structure determination with variable schallogram (infrastructure), gravity and accessibility, analysis of fisheries production, marine transportation analysis, analysis of facilities and supporting infrastructure for Minneapolitan activities, and institutional analysis. The results of this study found that the center of the Minneapolis is located on the island of Galang Baru. The hierarchy II is located on the islands of Karas Besar and Pulau Abang Kecil as supporting facilities and infrastructure for the sub-center Minneapolis. The hierarchy III is located on the islands of Nguan, Sembur, and Mubut as the production centers of fishery products. Based on the analysis, the study produced the directives of Minneapolitan development in the form of systems and production chain, namely sub-systems of upstream and downstream. The sub-systems will be equipped with facilities and infrastructure needed in the development of the Minneapolitan.


Directives, Development, Minneapolitan Region


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