Perancangan Branding Berdasarkan Sense Of Place di Desa Wisata Rawabogo Kabupaten Bandung

Sabine Fatimah Sayidina, Imam Indratno


Abstract. Rawabogo Tourism Village is a village that has cultural potential to be a tourist attraction, as well as a place for historical heritage education. The existence of the Gunung Nagara Padang site is one of the cultural potentials of Rawabogo Village. However, the existence of the Rawabogo Tourism Village is still lacking in information, both natural and cultural potential, as well as access to Rawabogo tourism information from the city and outside the city. In addition, other problems in accessibility, amenities and accommodation. Identity as a tourist village that has cultural appeal needs to be developed in order to attract more tourists while at the same time increasing the image of the Rawabogo Tourism Village as a cultural tourism destination. Therefore branding is needed as an instrument for planning and controlling village space to form the identity of the Rawabogo Tourism Village based on the conditions of the Rawabogo Tourism Village. The method used is a qualitative Regional Tourism Innovation System (RTIS). Based on the characters mentioned, this research aims to get the identity of Rawabogo through branding. The analytical method used is Branding Analysis. Analysis of Branding as a branding strategy whose stages of the process include determining the elements of brand personality, brand positioning, and brand identity (Gelder S. V., 2005). The branding of the Rawabogo Tourism Village was carried out in the form of designing visual information for digital maps and logos, as well as verbally using taglines.

Keywords: Branding, tourist village, Innovation, Sense of Place

Abstrak. Desa Wisata Rawabogo merupakan desa yang memiliki potensi budaya untuk dijadikan daya tarik wisata, sekaligus menjadi tempat edukasi peninggalan sejarah. Keberadaan Situs Gunung Nagara Padang merupakan salah satu potensi budaya yang dimiliki Desa Rawabogo. Namun keberadaan Desa Wisata Rawabogo masih minim informasi, baik potensi alam dan budaya, serta akses informasi wisata Rawabogo dari kota maupun luar kota. Identitas sebagai desa wisata yang memiliki daya tarik budaya perlu dikembangkan agar menarik lebih banyak wisatawan sekaligus menaikkan citra Desa Wisata Rawabogo sebagai desa tujuan wisata budaya. Metode yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif pendekatan sense of place untuk mengetahui faktor fisik yang berpengaruh yaitu arsitektur, kawasan, produk khas dan vocal point, Sedangkan faktor sosial berupa histori, narasi, karakteristik masyarakat, serta aktivitas dan kegiatan. Maka dari itu branding dibutuhkan sebagai instrument perencanaan ruang desa untuk membentuk identitas Desa Wisata Rawabogo yang didasarkan pada sense of place dari Desa Wisata Rawabogo. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu Analisis Branding yang prosesnya meliputi penentuan unsur brand personality, brand positioning, brand identity (Gelder S. V., 2005). Branding Desa Wisata Rawabogo yang dilakukan berupa perancangan informasi visual logo dan verbal menggunakan tagline.

Kata kunci: Branding, desa wisata, Inovasi, Sense of place


Branding, desa wisata, Inovasi, Sense of place

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