Needs Identification of Biopore Infiltration Hole in Generating Potential Water Reserves for Bandung

Nugraha Suryaningrat Sudradjat, Hani Burhanudin


Water is one important component in the life of every living creature. In a spatial context, any inhabited territory certainly requires water. More residents of a region, the more water are exploited and the logical consequence is the emergence of problems of water scarcity. One of the efforts of a city in addressing the issue of water scarcity is to make biopore. One of its functions is to conserve and increase water reserves in urban areas. Unfortunately, despite Bandung has made biopore already done, the precise biopore installation location along with the number that need to be made in the city of Bandung is still unknown. That is the formulation of the problem in this study. The purpose of this study is to identify the most appropriate location for the installation of biopore. Biopore is required by the city of Bandung and the potential water reserves can be generated through the installation Biopore. Conformance criteria for biopore installation region includes not the lowest that region, has a deep aquifer and not safe altitude zones, and has good permeability and porosity. The results of the analysis states that Bandung requires 50,309,833 units spreading biopore covered in 71 villages in 18 districts. Furthermore, biopore in Bandung is recommended in the field impermeable, such as sidewalks, drainage, parking, a strategic area, and the residential area. Information on the locations and their corresponding numbers biopore installation in Bandung, presented in the form of village-scale mapping in order to facilitate implementation in the context of spatial biopore installation.


Biopore, Water, Land, Run-Off, Bandung


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