The Sustainability of Sanitation Grant Program For Low Income Community Based on the Participation Rate (A Case Study of Community Group 2, 3, and 4 in Kebonlega Urban Village of Bojongloa Kidul District, of Bandung City)

Tiara Setiarini, Hani Burhanudin


The issue of domestic wastewater can become worse if an area has a high population density and economic powerlessness. One example is found in Community Groups 2, 3, and 4 in Kebonlega Urban Village of Bojongloa Kidul District of Bandung City. Therefore, Bandung Local Water Company of Titrawening created a grant program to establish a sanitary network of wastewater for low-income people of Bandung. The program was supported by the Australian Indonesia Infrastructure Grants for Sanitation (AIIGS) through the provision of the main pipeline. However, this program has not continued yet due to lack of funds for the procurement of connection pipe to homes. This fee was charged to the public so that the program cannot continue. The purpose of this study is to (1) identify the socio-economic conditions of Kebonlega Village community related to influence on community participation given to the sustainability of sanitation grant program; (2) identify the financial participation of the community to the sustainability of sanitation grant program; and (3) determine the sustainability strategy of sanitation grant program. The method of analysis of this research was SWOT analysis. Analysis was directed towards the willingness and ability of the community to pay and the sustainability strategy of sanitation grants program. The results of this study show that the program cannot continue because the ability and willingness to pay people is low. Thus, there is a need to develop a strategy of utilizing the problem into an opportunity. The resulting strategy is to build an institution that regulates the cost of infrastructure development and wastewater management facilities, do counseling about prevention of wastewater in order to improve the quality of human resources, and improve the utilization WWTP's standard of living of a healthy environment for the community.


Sustainability, Grant, SWOT


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