Kajian Implementasi Program Smart City pada Dimensi Smart Government Smart Living dan Smart Environment di Kecamatan Soreang Kabupaten Bandung

Musria Nurfauzia, Ernady Syaodih


Abstract. The government of Bandung Regency has the master plan  to implement The Smart City program in which there are terms for program achievement indicators.  In addition, there are   Smart City master plan evaluation activities, however the  evaluation output is not well documented and is only limited to the evaluation score from the evaluator which means that there is no concrete measurable output based on the indicators of each Smart City element in Bandung Regency.  If this continues, it can certainly have negative impacts on the program development of the Smart City concept that has been built.  Therefore, it is necessary to do an in-depth study of the Smart City program implementation as an initiation of the Smart City evaluation concept in order to determine the development strategies based on the evaluation of the Smart City program implementation.  By means of qualitative descriptive approach and SWOT analysis, the results show that the implementation of Smart Government and Smart Living are in Quadrant 2 and Quadrant 1 respectively, while for Smart Environment is in Quadrant 4

Keywords: Government, Environment, Living

Abstrak. Dalam implementasi Program Smart City, pemerintah Kabupaten Bandung telah memiliki masterplan Smart City yang di dalamnya terdapat ketentuan indikator capaian program. Selain itu, terdapat kegiatan evaluasi masterplan SC namun output dari evaluasi tersebut belum berbentuk dokumen dan hanya sebatas angka penilaian dari evaluator, sehingga belum adanya bentuk konkrit yang terukur berdasarkan indikator per elemen smart city di Kabupaten Bandung. Hal ini jika terus dibiarkan tentu bisa berdampak buruk pada pengembangan program dari konsep Smart City yang telah dibangun. Maka perlu dilakukan kajian mendalam terhadap implementasi program Smart City sebagai bentuk awal dari evaluasi Konsep Smart City agar kedepannya dapat ditentukan strategi-strategi pengembangan berdasarkan evaluasi implementasi program Smart City. Melalui metode pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dan analisis SWOT maka didapatkan hasil  bahwa Implementasi Smart Government berada pada kuadran 2, Smart Living berada pada kuadran 1, dan Smart Environment berada pada kuadran 4. 

Kata Kunci: Pemerintah, Lingkungan,  Hidup


Pemerintah, Lingkungan, Hidup

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/pwk.v6i2.23675

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