Makna Foto “Pembakaran Setan†di Festival Nepal

Dhani Hardiana, Askurifai Baskin


Satan Ghatakarna or ogoh-ogoh is one of the Hindu traditions in the celebration of  Nyepi day. In this tradition Satan Ghatakarna or ogoh-ogoh burned as a symbol of destruction in Hinduism one way to perpetuate this event is through photojournalism published in Several photographs of journalism published show a culture that burned a straw doll and witnessed by the people of Nepal itself. This seminar paper examines how the meaning in the photo "devil burning" at the festival nepal published in This study uses qualitative techniques of semiotics approach Roland Barthes, which in this approach uses three meanings, the meaning of denotation, connotation and myth. The results of this study show, in terms of denotation of the devil burning depicts the photo in which the Ghatakarna demon is being burned in a crowd of people who are watching. Then in terms of connotation shows a cultural symbol that is actually the result of crafts from the local community. This symbol shows that the devil's meaning occurs because it had once scared a small child. And in terms of myth depicting the culture traditions in Nepal itself is the burning of demons as the abolition of evil spirits that exist in the person.


Roland Barthes, semiotic analysis, photojournalism


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